P: Well, I think so, Brain, but if Jimmy cracks corn, and nobody cares, why does he keep doing it?
Why do we keep on doing it?
What I want from ULearn06
I want to attend a strand called The Rivers North of the Future, see previous post. Comprising sessions that confront and challenge “the use of technology to recreate education as it is”, (Scardamalia & Bereiter, 1994).
In this strand I’d like to attend workshop/sessions that allow collaborative knowledge building – a strand that apart from some provocative positioning keynotes throws out the one:many expert:audience separated by communication technologies of microphones and speaker systems pedagogical approach. I'd rather learn in a strand where the pedagogy for conference learning better aligns with the constructivist rhetoric. A strand where small groups of diverse thinkers can mode/mimic the pedagogies and e-learning environments we believe (or pretend to believe) work best for students.
I want to attend sessions that will help me create an “it was harder than I expected but here is what I had to do to succeed” pedagogical model for an e learning environment that will allow students to be “knowledge builders” rather than “knowledge researchers”. Sessions around notions of “Students as knowledge builders”:
that might answer
- What are the conditions of value in the teaching and learning process for students as innovators and knowledge builders?
- How do these conditions align with the proposed Key Competency: Making Meaning?
- How can the involvement of ICT develop or enhance these conditions?
And then broadening the knowledge building context to include a challenge to the whole idea of learning through ICT? I want to attend sessions that address “design mode” thinking rather than belief mode thinking about learning through ICT. Sessions that ask What is this idea (ICT) good for? What does it do and fail to do? and How could it be improved? Sessions that will help me design a better understanding about the unique potential of ICT in changing cognition.
In this it would be good to look at it through Manovich's sense of information surfaces
“This new revolution is arguably more profound than the previous ones and we are just beginning to sense its initial effects. Indeed, the introduction of printing press affected only one stage of cultural communication -- the distribution of media. Similarly, the introduction of photography affected only one type of cultural communication -- still images. In contrast, computer media revolution affects all stages of communication, including acquisition, manipulating, storage and distribution of information; it also affects all types of media -- text, still images, moving images, sound, and spatial constructions.” Manovich 2002
And aligned to this I want to look at how we determine ascending structural complexity in cognition/ thinking – a look at the different generic tools for assessment of student thinking when engaged in knowledge building through ICT. Things like SOLO Taxonomy and how we can use them to evaluate student questions, actions and new understandings.
SOLO Taxonomy: Prestructural. There is preliminary preparation, but the task itself is not attacked in an appropriate way./ Unistructural. One aspect of a task is picked up or understood serially, and there is no relationship of facts or ideas./ Multistructural. Two or more aspects of a task are picked up or understood serially, but are not interrelated./ Relational. Several aspects are integrated so that the whole has a coherent structure and meaning. / Extended abstract. That coherent whole is generalised to a higher level of abstraction. Hattie, J. & Purdie, N. (1998) The SOLO model: addressing fundamental measurement issues. In: B. Dart & G. M. Boulton-Lewis (Eds.). Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. Camberwell, Australian Council for Educational Research.
Wouldn't mind too much if you kept the dancing, drinking, talking, laughing and falling into shrubbery bits as they are ....
Regards Artichoke
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